Khudadad's Knols Headline Animator

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Proverbial Myth 1......

Proverbial myth 1:”Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today.  Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.”….. Chinese Proverb….
This Chinese proverb is really famous among educationists. Despite of usefulness it is not telling the whole story and sticking to it sometimes creates a mass that look for food even after learning how to fish. The reason is their fishing techniques have become common and overfishing left less fishes to feed all. What is needed to be added is … updating the fishing techniques or looking for new ways to fish…. Of course, you can’t fish a shark with worm bait… you were using to fish… small fishes during learning…how to fish….
Let me give some examples. In generation before us, there were great demand for typists and some of students spending a lot of time learning them. As we got out of college, the computers had replaced the typing machines and there were few clerical jobs for typists. Instead there were great demands for computer operators and a lot of students spending time to learn how to operate computers. As we got out of university, this skill was so common that there were few jobs available for computer operators. Still web publishing and designing were in great demand but this was also didn’t last long as social medias become so common and user friendly that now a school kid can have several sorts of websites that a professional company can have…….
The same is true about sciences. We put a lot of focus in learning techniques and literature that we never have learnt that …… the most important thing is finding questions. Creative questions are key in finding creative answers; otherwise you will turn your black hair into gray by increasing thickness of piles of papers while adding nothing…

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